Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

JIET aims to bring together national and international researchers and scientists and share new and important results in the fields of engineering technologies such as imagination, research, planning, creation, testing, improvement, application, use and inquiry.

Our journal, which has accepted publications under the hosting of DergiPark since 2018, continues its publication life by being taken over by Karadeniz Technical University as of June 2021. Our journal accepts original research and review articles in the fields of Civil Engineering, Computer - Software Engineering, Electrical - Electronics Engineering, Communication Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Physics.

Our journal, which is published within the body of Karadeniz Technical University, includes original studies in the fields of Civil Engineering, Computer-Software Engineering, Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Communication Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Physics. The writing rules of the articles to be published in the journal are given below and in the journal template. All articles are evaluated by expert reviewers in terms of their scientific contribution and scope. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their data. The journal reserves the right to make appropriate corrections in language and spelling where it deems necessary. Manuscripts can be sent back to the corresponding author for revision when deemed necessary. The copyright of the articles published in the journal is taken in the name of "Karadeniz Technical University Journal of Investigations on Engineering and Technology". Manuscripts previously published in any language are not considered for publication in the journal. No fee is charged from the authors for the evaluation and publication process in the journal. Authors cannot send a work they have submitted to Karadeniz Technical University Journal of Investigations on Engineering and Technology and is in the process, to another journal. Authors must upload the “Copyright Transfer Form”, “Conflict of Interest Notification Form”, “Author Contribution Notification Form”, and ”Checklist” together with the article on the online system (DergiPark system) in the first registration.

Articles to be submitted to Karadeniz Technical University Journal of Investigations on Engineering and Technology can be prepared using the "Article Template" in MS-Word® format. The relevant field editors will review and evaluate the submitted articles, and the publisher will be informed about the article's status in the process.


Double Blind Review Process
During the review stages of all articles sent to our journal, which is published within Karadeniz Technical University, the identities of the article authors and the reviewers who evaluate the article are hidden by double blinding. For this reason, the article should not contain information about the author(s) when uploading. Author information must be given on the cover page in a separate file.

Articles sent for evaluation to be published in the Journal of Investigations on Engineering and Technology (JIET) are pre-examined by the Editor-in-Chief in line with the publication principles. The Editor-in-Chief has the right to return articles he does not find suitable for publication in the journal to the author(s) without sending them to Pre-Check. Articles sent to JIET Journal are pre-checked by assistant editors according to the publication principles, spelling rules and ethical rules stated on our Dergipark page. Articles not complying with these rules are re-sent to the authors for corrections. The article may be rejected if the author does not submit the corrections within 20 days at the latest under JIET Journal's publishing principles, writing rules, and ethical rules.

Articles that pass the pre-check stage are sent to the evaluation stage by assistant editors; if it is determined that the submitted article complies with its scientific content and JIET Journal publishing principles, writing rules and ethical rules, the recommendation of our relevant advisory board is taken and sent to the field editor for article evaluation.

The field editor may reject the article if its scientific content is weak and does not comply with ethical rules, or it may be sent to at least two reviewers who are experts in the field if it has solid scientific content and accepts its compliance with ethical rules, and they are reviewed in terms of form, content, original value, contribution to international literature and science/technology. The field editor may direct the article to the language and statistics editors and ask them to be checked. In addition, articles that do not comply with the spelling rules or have insufficient language of expression are returned to the author(s) for correction. It is recommended that the author(s) have the work examined by a linguist before submitting an article in English. Articles that meet the specified requirements and are suitable for peer review are sent to at least two or more reviewers for review. The author(s) must recommend at least three potential reviewers who are related to the subject of the article, are experts in their field, and are not from the same institution as the author(s). Reviewers are given 15 (fifteen) days to accept the article for evaluation and 20 (twenty) days to complete the evaluation of the article. During this process, the reviewers send the corrections to the field editor, and the field editor sends them to the author. After making the reviewer's corrections, the author must complete the editing process by marking the corrections and uploading the article file and the response file to the reviewer's comments. After this process, the article passes under the control of the field editor. If some reviewers want to see the corrections, the field editor sends them to the relevant reviewer. After receiving the opinions, the field editor notifies the editor-in-chief of his/her decision about the article.

All responsibility for the scientific content of the articles to be published in the journal belongs to the author(s). The "Copyright Form" must be signed by all authors and uploaded by the responsible author to the journal's online application system as a separate additional file together with the article. All authors must be registered in the DergiPark system, and when uploading the article to the system, the names of all authors, address information of the institutions they work for, e-mail addresses and ORCID ID numbers must be entered completely in the metadata/metadata section. If any of the authors is not registered in the DergiPark system, the article is pending and the Editor appointment cannot be made. Additionally, the abstract and references of the article should be entered in the metadata section. If any of the mentioned information is missing, the article will be returned to the corresponding author to complete the information.

Ethics committee approval must be obtained for human surveys and animal experimental or clinical studies, this approval must be stated in the article and the ethics committee report must be attached when submitting the article. After the article is accepted, authors cannot be added and the order of authors cannot be changed.

After referee evaluation, articles in need of revision are electronically directed to the author(s) via the DergiPark system. The author(s) should take into account the comments of the referee(s) and explain the comments and criticisms one by one. They should also prepare a detailed explanation if they disagree with the referees' criticisms. The corrections of the articles that have passed the referee evaluations must be uploaded to the system together with the list of corrections within 30 days at the latest and the article revision process must be completed. The specified period may be extended by the author's request for additional time or by the decision of the field editor. Otherwise, the current article is considered a newly submitted article. The Field Editor makes the final decision on whether the article will be published by reviewing the revisions and corrections made by the author(s) before making the final decision.

The article accepted in the evaluation phase reaches this stage. During this process, the article is laid out according to the journal. First, the article edited according to the journal is sent to the authors. Authors check the article's final version and report their corrections to the editing editors. The revised article is sent to the typesetting stage.

Withdrawal of Articles
Articles submitted to JIET Journal cannot withdraw their articles at the spelling check stage or after they have been accepted for publication. The responsible author of the article submits his request for the article that is not at one of these stages by scanning a petition signed with the wet signatures of all authors from the scanner and sending it in PDF format to the Dergipark system during the transaction with the author or to our journal e-mail address After approving the retraction request, the editor-in-chief and deputy editors of JIET Journal notify the corresponding author. On the other hand, unless the retraction request is approved, authors cannot send their work to another journal for evaluation.

Layout and typesetting of the article
Articles in the editing stage are prepared according to the JIET Journal typesetting format and sent to the responsible author of the article in PDF format for control. The article, which the corresponding author also checks, is put in the queue for publication.


Abstract: In this section, the summary, method and results of the study should be written briefly. The abstract text should be written in “Cambria” font, 10 points and single-spaced. Please do not change the writing area boundaries in the right-left directions. The text to be added in this section should not exceed one (1) page together with the Turkish title and abstract, and the English title and abstract. Do not change the layout in the section where the author and date information are included. There is no need to write Turkish titles, abstracts and keywords in English articles. However, in Turkish articles, English title and Abstract will be written. The abstract should be at least 50 words and at most 250 words. When your work is published, the volume, issue, page number and date information will be edited by us, so do not make changes in these parts.

In this section, write at least 3 and at most 6 keywords that reflect the content of the article, one below the other, as in the example.

1. Spelling Rules
The entire article should be written in a single column with 10 font size, "Cambria" font. Line spacing should be “single” and a “single line” space should be left before and after paragraphs. There should be 6 pt space between the titles and the text. Titles can be written as 1. Introduction, 2. Materials and Methods, 3. Results, 4. Discussion and Conclusion. Subtitles can be added if necessary.

Titles should be written in bold letters, the first letters of all words except conjunctions should be capitalized. Conjunctions should be written in lower case. In subtitles, only the first letter of the title should be capitalized. The font, size and spacing should be like the main section titles.

1.1. Reference notation
References should be shown in square brackets [1]. References should be given in order, and it should be checked that the references shown in the text are in the bibliography.

2. Display of Formulas
If it is necessary to show a formula in the article, it should be given from the beginning, in the order shown in the example. One line space should be left before and after the equation. The equation should be written in “Cambria Math” font, size 10 and single-spaced. The equation should be referenced in the text and the symbols in the equation should be explained. Equations should be written using the MS Word equation editor.

3. Display of Tables and Figures
Tables, graphics, pictures and figures used in the article should be numbered sequentially. No space should be left between the figure and table name and the figure or table. One line space should be left between the text and tables and figures. Graphics, pictures and figures should be named as “Figure”. A minimum resolution of 600dpi is required for images. The texts in the images should be easily readable. Tables and figures should be written in bold with their numbers. Example: Figure 1. XXXxxx. Figure and Table names should be in 10 points with only the first letters capitalized. Column headings and data in the table should be written in 9 font size, "Cambria" font. Tables or figures and their names should be centered in the layout.

In this chapter; The people or institutions that contributed to the study should be thanked. Project support should be stated in the articles produced from the project.

Author Contribution
In this section, the contributions to the study should be clearly written next to the full name(s) of the author(s). For example, “Identification and management of the conceptual and design processes of First Name1 and Last Name1 work, First Name2 and Last Name2 data collection and data analysis, First Name3 and Last Name3 data analysis and interpretation”

Conflict of Interest
The author(s) confirm that there is no known conflict of interest or common interest with any institution/organization or person. (In case of no conflict of interest)
The author(s) confirm that the following conflicts of interest exist regarding the issues written and/or discussed in this study (Interests obtained should be written with the explicit name of the relevant author). (In case of any conflict of interest)

References to be given in the bibliography should be written in the order in which they are mentioned in the text, in "Cambria" font, 10 points. There should be 6 nk space between the references. References should be written in APA format.

The publication process at JIET aims at improving and disseminating information in an objective and respectful manner. Therefore, the procedures in this process have been determined to increase the quality of the studies. With this approach, studies that support and implement the scientific method are emerging. At this point, it is extremely important that all parties involved in the publication process (authors, readers and researchers, publisher, referees and editors) comply with ethical evaluation standards. JIET expects all parties to have the following ethical responsibilities.
The ethical duties and responsibilities below have been written in the light of the guidelines and policies prepared by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE).

Publishing an article in a peer-reviewed journal is a fundamental building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is therefore important to agree on expected standards of ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: author, journal editor, peer reviewer, and publisher.

1. Publication and authorship:
· Reference list, financial support;
· No plagiarism and fraudulent data;
· The same research is not published in more than one journal.

2. Author's responsibilities:
· Authors are obliged to participate in the peer-review process;
· All authors must have contributed significantly to the research;
· A declaration must be made that all data in the article are true and original;
· All authors must ensure that errors are retracted or corrected.

3. Evaluation / responsibility of the referees:
· Decisions must be objective;
· Reviewers should not have any conflicts of interest regarding the research, authors and/or research funders;
· Reviewers should point to relevant published work that has not yet been cited;
· The studies reviewed should be kept confidential.

4. Editorial responsibilities:
· Editors have full responsibility and authority to reject / accept a work;
· There should be no conflicts of interest regarding the work that the editors reject / accept;
· A study should be accepted only when reasonably certain;
· Encourage the publication of the correction or the withdrawal of publication when errors are found;
· The anonymity of referees should be protected.
· Care should be taken to avoid plagiarism and fraudulent data.

5. Publication ethics issues
· To monitor / protect publishing ethics by the editorial board;
· To set guidelines for the withdrawal of articles;
· Maintaining the integrity of academic records;
· Preventing business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards;
Always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.

Our journal is open access, and no fees are charged to the authors during and after any process.